Living Room Fengshui

Since it is the one room where all the occupants of a house gather, the atmosphere is thick with Yang. Clocks, televisions, fans and air conditioners are in constant use and have an all-encompassing effect.

• A round clock in white or gold in the west or northwest section of the room brings good luck. The best position is on the left side of the room and if possible, on the same wall as the main door leading into the room.

• Create wide spaces also by strategically placing a mirror to make your living room look bigger. However, mirrors if badly placed can create negative energy, so make sure that it is placed so that it reflects something you'd like to see more of, such as the view from a window.

• Try to light up corners with lamps, or liven up the area by hanging a favourite painting - preferably one that is colourful.

• Try to not clutter your living room up with too much furniture. Also, don't give your TV or sound system a place of importance; your TV's electromagnetic waves may interfere with the flow of chi.

• Incorporate soft cushions or flowers into a room to make your dining room a little more feminine. Don't use dried flowers.

•Paintings for the Living Room:

Follow these points to maximize the positive influences in your house.
• Images of swimming fish signify longevity.
• Lambs are symbolic of luck.
• Landscapes depicting sunrise, mountains or water signify hope.
• Cascading water symbolizes good luck.
• Portraits of people with serene and smiling faces encourage positive feelings.
• Paintings that are have dark or vivid colouring induce poor health.
• Paintings based on geometric shapes increase destructive feelings.
• Paintings that use the colour red excessively create a feeling of irritability.
• Paintings depicting wild and vicious animals induce poor health.

Plants for the Living Room:
Most plants have a positive influence as long as they are not wilting. Cacti and plants with sharp spiky leaves are best kept out the home. Plastic or artificial plants are neutral and do not affect Feng Shui.

Carpets in the Living Room:
Choose carpets and rugs in colours that correspond to the direction you place them in. Carpets that cover the whole room should suit the direction of the room itself. If it is in the southeast part of the house, its colour should be green.

• Cats belong to the element wood, so the colours for their bedding should be blue, black or green. Red is a bad choice for cat's bedding. Front doors opening to the northeast, south and the northwest make cats strong and healthy. The north and southwest are bad openings for cats.
• Dogs belong to the element earth. White baskets make them ill. Choose brown or yellow baskets for them. Main doors facing southwest, northeast or south makes a dog strong, while those facing southeast or east make them ill.

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