Feng Shui for Kids

Kids too can be benefitted by feng shui.

Before applying feng shui to any child's room, let him know that you are going to start by getting the clutter out. Give him at least a week to organize his room himself. When the week is over, it's your turn.

Children can't always tell the difference between good stuff and clutter. Especially when they're trying to look grown up, they can disregard things that will have sentimental value when they are older.

When decluttering your child's room, it's important to keep a Memento Box for papers, crafts projects, and special items that he's outgrown.

It's also important not to remove anything that he uses regularly. But, that still leaves a lot to clean out, if yours is a typical child.

As you're weeding through his belongings, think in terms of the bagua. When you reorganize his room, create areas within the bedroom for special purposes.

Start at the left side of the room as you walk in the door, and work out way clockwise around his bedroom:

To your immediate left as you walk into the room, you're looking at the Knowledge area. Bookcases and desks are best suited to this part of the room. Wall decor can relate to things that he's studying, or reminders to help him with tests, such as capitals and currency, maps etc.

In the center of that left side of the room, the theme is Family and Security. This is an ideal place for his bed, if possible. If not, it's a good spot for a reading chair and lamp. On the wall, he may want to display family photos, a family tree, a coat of arms, or something that reminds him of his heritage.

At the back left corner of the room is the Money corner. This is an ideal location for anything related to his career goals. This is another great place for his desk, but turn it so that his back isn't to the door. Desks should never be placed so that the person feels as if visitors could sneak up on him.

In his Fame area, straight ahead and at the center of the wall as you look into his room, display his trophies and awards. This could be a good place for a bulletin board, for school papers and newspaper clippings that show him at his best. This is also where you'll store his scrapbook, if you let him keep that in his room.

Instead of a Romance area (at the far right corner of his room, as you look in the door), merge this with the next area along that right wall: Creativity. Use this part of the room to display anything that he makes or builds, as well as any supplies that he uses for creative projects, whether they're parts for computers, art supplies, model cars and planes, or anything that lets him express his creativity and originality.

If he has a lot of awards, make use of the area to your immediate right as you stand looking into his room. This has a theme of Helpful People and Travel. If your son has Scouting or church awards, this is where you might display them. But, if his Fame area is large enough for all of his trophies and certificates, this area of his bedroom can be for Travel. Display postcards from his grandparents, photos of family trips, maps and pictures from places that he'd like to see, and so on. Put the game schedule on the wall here, and display photos of him with his teammates.

The center of the room is the Health area, but in most children's bedrooms, this is either an empty area, or the foot of the bed extends into it. Keep that area clean and well-lit.

Now, some final feng shui guidelines for every bedroom:
1. The bed should never be in direct line with the doorway. That is considered very bad luck in feng shui.

2. Don't have a mirror over the head or foot of his bed. He should not see his own reflection if he sits up in the middle of the night and looks around.

3. If he's old enough to date, don't keep fish in his bedroom. If he insists on keeping the tank there, make sure that you always have an even number of fish, and that the tank is in the Helpful People/Travel area. (On the other hand, if you don't want him to date, put the tank in the Knowledge area.)

4. Don't store anything under the bed. I know that it's tempting and they make great under bed organizers. In feng shui, anything under the bed can lead to restless sleeping.

5. Don't store anything near the ceiling. If he's a little guy, keep all of the shelves and surfaces within easy reach. Things stored above eye level in any room can give people the feeling that something is going to fall on them.

These tips are common for both girl child as well as boy child.

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