Feng Shui Colours

A rose is red because it reflects red colour. Feng Shui makes use of this reflected energy to create a balance between your yin and yang energiesto suit your personality or your environment.

Yin energy is like a plant growing from the earth. It comes from the soil, raising itself upward and moving toward the sky. As yin energy moves up to the sky it becomes more diffused and dissipated. Yin energy is the passive energy. Yin energies have an element of dreaminess about them. Colours like blue, white, green and purple according to Feng Shui are believed to have yin energies. If your home office is full of creative and dream-inducing objects or colours, Feng Shui may call for you to get rid of them and use more vibrant colours in their place. Yang Feng Shui colours will help you get in the right spirit to do some work and be enthusiastic. Every association you have with a colour contributes in some way to how you are. That is why colours play a meaningful role within the practice of Feng Shui. It is very essential for you to understand why toning down or playing up certain Feng Shui colours in your home will help you to achieve the goals you have set for yourself in your life.

Colours and Feng Shui

Fengshui Yin Colours
Yin colours according to Feng Shui are the colours that bring about healing and relaxation. They are:

Blue: Blue is related to water. Blue colour according to Feng Shui has yin energy. It is calm and soothing. This colour has great significance in Feng Shui as it reflects love as it heals and relaxes. Blue creates a feeling of peace and trust. Since it is the colour of the sea and sky, Feng Shui associates it with adventure and exploration. It represents spirituality, the ability to look within oneself, consideration and care; it is associated with consistency and loyalty. In business, it stands for reliability and consistency. Navy blue is the colour of intellect and wisdom.

Black: Black colour in Feng Shui symbolizes money and income, black is great for careers, especially when combined with metal. But it must be used in moderation. It is the Feng Shui colour of emotional protection and power. Because it absorbs a lot of light, it is used to balance brighter colours rather than on its own.

Purple: The colour is excellent for physical and mental healing and Feng Shui associates it with spiritual awareness. The Chinese consider purple even more favourable than red. It is the colour of philosophers, dreamers, writers and visionaries, and is associated with high ideals, honesty, truth and love.

White: Fengshui uses this colour mostly in combination with gold or silver to generate a calm atmosphere. The Chinese consider it the colour of mourning. Thus, it is not widely used. Using too much white in one’s home could indicate a lack of clarity in one's opinions and indicate excessive openness to different possibilities.

Green: It is used as equilibrium; it represents balance and peace. It is the colour of growth, one that promotes healing and tranquility. Used in excess, it can inhibit productivity. Because of the extreme relaxation green creates it may not be conducive to the resolution of problems. Green is related to wood.

Pink: It stands for love and feelings and is credited with therapeutic powers against rage. It is said to quickly calm the anger of those who visualize it. It is a salutary colour that reminds us of joy, happiness and romantic love. It is related to fire or Earth, depending on its intensity.

Yang Colours and Fengshui

Yang colours according to Feng Shui belong to tend to be fire and wood elements. Feng Shui believes that these are the colours that provide you the enthusiasm or the positive energy required to do something or be motivated. The description that Feng Shui provides for each colour is given below to help you in using them for your advantage.

Yellow: It is related to Earth and is a colour of blending which stimulates mental energy and represents wisdom. In China, it once was the colour reserved for the Emperor and his descendants because it was seen as a colour symbolizing control. Among other things, yellow is associated with patience and tolerance. Yellow colour in Feng Shui is considered to be as auspicious as red. Yellow represents sunbeams, warmth, motion, cheerfulness and friendliness. However, prolonged exposure to large amounts of intense yellow can cause anxiety.

Orange: With a lot of yang energy the orange colour has great significance for Feng Shui practice as it strengthens your concentration. A creative colour, it stands for joy, solidarity, mental and physical energy. Depending on tones, it is related to fire or Earth.
You might use this colour when your creative well runs dry. Orange colour in Feng Shui is used to give you a sense of purpose. Orange is the colour of organization.

The other yang colours of Feng Shui are Tan, Brown, Red, Mauve, Maroon and lavender and gold. Each colour has its significance such as money, luck or romance.
Red: It is the colour of life, growth, happiness, joy, passion and virtue. It radiates energy on a wide range and stands for passionate love. Chinese wives dress in red because red brings them happiness and love. Red is related to fire.

Colours & Feng Shui also have a lot to do with the direction in which your home sits. There are different colours that Feng Shui defines for the use in exterior facades of your house. Exterior colours of your house in Feng Shui practice can be used for matching or enhancing the basic house type that you have.

For example if your house is facing towards the south, painting its exterior with white, grey or blue enhances the flow of Chi in your home. For houses facing towards East, the colours in earth tones or metal tones are thought to be of much use for enhancing the positive energies of the house.

As you explore Feng Shui, remember that opening your heart to the universe is more important than knowing meaning of colours and Feng Shui practice. After all, it is the heart that allows the healing energies to flow in you and your living environments.

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