Fengshui and the Kitchen

Cooking is undoubtedly one of the highest expressions of love and the cook needs a space where they can begin to create the health of the family in peace and quiet.

From a Chi perspective, the kitchen therefore needs to have no "through draught" of Chi.

Kitchen cabinets must be spring-cleaned regularly and should be well organized, uncluttered and easily accessible.

Get rid of all unnecessary clutter as it attracts stagnant chi. You should only have items in the kitchen that are used regularly and do not get in the way.

The cook needs to have a feeling of focus without distractions and therefore an ideal position for a cooker is away from the door, while at the same time giving the cook a sense of security so that they can actually see the door from they are positioned. For practical purposes, if this is not possible, it is possible to install a mirror on the splash back behind the cooker, angled in such a direction so that the cook can see the door.

Chi energy not only enters through windows and doors but also dissipates. Try to avoid placing a cooker directly underneath a skylight and avoid placing it directly in front of a window - just to the side is perfect.

Check the area in the vicinity of where the cook stands for potential cutting Chi. Sharp edges from the kitchen table or other units within this space are obvious sources. Another potential source of cutting Chi is the hood from the extractor unit which is often at head level or higher. Notice if this bearing down directly on you in any way.

Since the dawn of civilization, we have cooked with fire and the modern interpretation of this flame is the recommendation to use gas rather than electricity or microwave. it will certainly change the Chi.

From a Feng Shui perspective, it is considered unwise to position water either opposite the cooker or adjacent to it. In this context, water is naturally the sink but can also include the fridge, the deep freeze, the dishwasher or a washing machine. If this is the case, then the obvious solution is to re-site one of the elements or if they are adjacent to one another and it is impractical then put in place the mitigating Element - in this case Wood/Tree between the two features. This could be translated to imply hanging wooden cooking utensils between the water and the cooker or storing a wooden chopping block between the two Elements.

Keeping your cupboard, your larder, your fridge well stocked implies abundance, richness and even generosity. By having plenty and even cooking a little more than is necessary, exudes the Chi of hospitality and friendship. In the same way, serving stingy portions exudes the kind of Chi that is too tight, too Yang and lacks real warmth.

Cork and wood are ideal for kitchen floors and surfaces. Stainless steel appliances and ceramic tiles can create fast-moving chi. This may not be ideal if you want to spend a lot of time in your kitchen as it may leave you feeling drained or tired.

Unlike in traditional times, the kitchen has tended to become the focal point for eating. This makes sense as it is naturally one of the warmest rooms in the house and with a little care, the position and layout of the dining area can bring great harmony and communication to the members of the household.

Consider the difference between people eating on stools, with no support behind them at a kitchen bar type table which faces a wall. It will encourage little communication and eating in a hurry

A layout which includes a stable, preferably round table surrounded by comfortable supportive dining chairs - ideally in even numbers, sets the tone for communication and focus.

Fit kitchen cupboards and shelves with rounded corners to avoid cutting chi into your body while preparing and cooking your food.

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