Feng Shui considers bathrooms as one of the weakest areas of the home or office mainly because this is a place where one's energy is dropped either through bodily wastes or through washing of the outer body. Wetness or yin chi is the basis of most diseases hence it is very important that this energy is isolated from the rest of the home or business. Your bathroom's position in the house could have a positive or a draining effect on a variety of areas in your life, such as wealth or your health.
Bathroom location
One of the worst is if the bathroom is visible from the front door entry. The front door is considered the mouth of the site, where food comes in or how the energy is fed to the house. To situate the waste area at the mouth of the site can create many health issues, such as problems with elimination, digestion, kidney and bladder issues.
Adjustments however are possible which will prevent the positive and vital energy of the home or business.
• Get into the habit of keeping the bathroom doors closed at all times. This way the wet yin energy will not be floating around the surrounding area. Also the closed door will prevent your subconscious thoughts from being influenced by wastes and cleansing.
• Placing a good size mirror on the outside of the door to deflect the positive energy of the rest of the site from going into the bathroom is an important bathroom cure. This will not work unless the bathroom door is shut.
• It is also best that when you first walk into the bathroom you see another mirror, to deflect the energy back out the door. It is also best if the toilet is hidden from view upon entering the bathroom. If the toilet is in view as you enter it is good to hang a round faceted crystal ball between the entry and the toilet. Again this helps disperse the chi coming into the bathroom.
• Another excellent cure for the bathroom is to place a small three inch round mirror and attach it to the ceiling facing down directly over the toilet. The idea here according to feng shui, is that it helps draw the positive chi up and away from the toilet. Keeping the toilet seat down and the drains closed when not in use also helps leakage of energy.
• Keeping the shower curtain drawn and shower door closed also helps the leakage problem. Since the bathroom is considered a wet, yin energy it helps to balance the energy with live, healthy, green plants.
• Your bathrooms can be brightened by putting happy pictures, flowers and other small knick knacks, but do not put any living person's picture as it would result in draining of their energy.
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