Fengshui Pictures and fengshui paintings

Feng shui paintings usually depict symbolist animals and settings, and they may be used in the specific corners of the house or room which can benefit from the symbolism.
There are many symbolist meanings in feng shui decorations and art. Examples are:

Dragons (good luck)
cranes (longevity)
blossoms (good luck)
mandarin ducks (happiness in love)
frog with a cold coin in mouth (prosperity in business)
oranges & peaches (long life)
the color gold & red (wealth)

Because the symbols represent different areas of life, the placement of paintings with such symbols needs to be considered carefully. For example, some practitioners warn against placing dragon figures inside bedrooms, as they are represent too much yang. Some use calligraphy, with Chinese words representing things such as prosperity, love, or good fortune.

Important feng shui painting tips:
1. Hang a large family portrait to enhance the importance of the family members in the living room.

2. Do not display pictures of fierce or aggressive animals in the living room.

3. Put away pictures that remind you of negative people or bad memories.

4. Put up outdoor posters to compensate for lack of a window.

5. Only those images that are inspiring, uplifting, and beautiful should be placed on the walls.

6. Painting of a water fall is an excellent way to boost career and income.

When placed in the north sector of the home, living room, or office, these images can provide an immediate boost to the career.

7. Pictures of happy occasions and happy people are EXCELLENT ways to bring more people into your life, as well as happier relationships, and greater social recognition.

8. Horses hung in the southwest sector can offer a good chance of travel.

9. Birds are excellent activators for love relationships.

10. Images of international scenes such as the Eiffel tower, the tower of London, the pyramids of Giza, and other scenes are excellent for receiving help from all corners of the globe.

11. Maps, pictures of maps, globes, etc. are all beneficial for the NW sector of your home, office, or living room. Because this is the "heaven" location, this is also a wonderful location for pictures and images of religious figures or deities, angels, or religious locations such as Jerusalem or Mecca. Grand people such as Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King, Ghandi, or world leaders are also wonderful choices for increasing Powerful People help.

12. To create opportunities for yourself, place a picture of an open field on the wall opposite the bed. This suggests the way of your life is open and obstacles are removed.

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