Global Warming: General Solution

General Solutions For Global Warming:

  • The contribution of nuclear energy to reduce the cause of global warming is only 10%.
  • Solar, not nuclear energy.

Regarding "Pros and cons of nuclear power " (2007-01-09), it is surprising that anyone should be considering building new nuclear power plants in the US when there is a simple mature technology available that can deliver huge amounts of clean energy without any of the headaches of nuclear power.

I refer to 'concentrating solar power' (CSP), the technique of concentrating sunlight using mirrors to create heat, and then using the heat to raise steam and drive turbines and generators, just like a conventional power station. It is possible to store solar heat in melted salts so that electricity generation may continue through the night or on cloudy days. This technology has been generating electricity successfully in California since 1985 and half a million Californians currently get their electricity from this source. CSP plants are now being planned or built in many parts of the world.

Global warming solutions – sensible energy consumption

The causes of global warming show strikingly well that our energy policy has been inadequate to put it mildly. For years we have been emitting much too much carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere as a result of burning fossil fuels, i.e. coal, gas and oil. All well meant appeals to mitigate the consumption have failed miserably.

Oil is not only used for heating or fuelling a car's engine, however. It is a very valuable raw material for many everyday products, like e.g. all sorts of plastics, paints and lacquers, drugs, washing powders, detergents, fertilizers, and many more. It would be irresponsible to future human generations if our generations used up this limited resources within a short time.

In search for global warming solutions, people are suddenly asking for alternative energies. However, more than 80% of our energy is currently taken from the fossil sources oil, gas or coal. It is absolutely impossible to supply this much of energy from alternative sources within the next 10 to 20 years.

Therefore, we should ask how much energy is really required to have a good quality of life, instead of taking our current energy consumption for granted or even indispensable. In a second step, we can then look for potential energy sources to fulfil this need.

As a lesson from history, we should at the same time strive to maximize the share of renewable energies (wind power, water power, solar power, wood, biomass, etc.) and on the other hand minimize over time the share of non-renewable energy sources like oil, gas, coal and nuclear power. Otherwise our global warming solution will be just a pretentious one.

Global Warming Solution Community Action

You can work within your community to promote energy efficiency and use of clean energy.

  • Make sure that public buildings are models of energy efficiency and encourage the incorporation of passive-solar techniques in community construction or remodeling projects.
  • Urge your local library, businesses, and church or synagogue to install bike racks.
  • Promote community carpooling plans and the construction of bike lanes.
  • Work to change local zoning ordinances and other regulations that involve energy use.
  • Encourage your local electric utilities to promote energy efficiency and the use of clean, renewable energy sources.

Influence US Action

The United States needs to play a leadership role in addressing global warming, and you can help make this happen.

  • Write to your local newspaper about the significance of the global warming threat and the need for US leadership.
  • Monitor your newspaper's coverage of this issue and write in response to any stories or letters that dismiss global warming.
  • Write or call President Bush to let him know that you expect him to be an international leader on this issue.
  • Contact your congressional representative and senators to encourage them to support actions to address the root causes of global warming: the emission of heat-trapping gases.
  • Ask your governors, state legislators, and public utility regulators to promote energy efficiency, nonpolluting transportation alternatives, and the development of clean, renewable sources of energy -- like solar and wind power.
  • Tell government officials that you want them to push industry to protect the future health of the environment by reducing carbon emissions.

Global Warming Solution

Environmental pollution effects much on global warming. If you increase your personal petrol or gas consumption for this year by say 1'000 liters because you use the car more often, will this lead to natural disasters? And if yes, where? Nobody will be able to take you to the court, because it is not possible to prove a direct relation between your increased yearly consumption of fuels and a drought in Africa. This does not change the fact, however, that the CO2 emission produced by your car does indeed contribute to the global warming. No doubt, you and I are responsible for the climate change, too.

The following testimonies are typical:

  • Me alone, I cannot change anything, why should I then change my personal behavior?
  • I respect the laws, I don't do anything illegal. I am not against your saving energy, but leave me in peace with your ideas.
  • My energy requirement is modest. I won't change before the big polluters have changed their behavior.
These declarations share a fundamentally wrong assumption that we are not fully responsible for what we do. But the contrary is true: We are indeed fully responsible for everything we do or do not do! The fact that we don't get fined or taken into prison for certain deeds does by far not mean that these deeds do not have a big impact on our personal future life.

Global Warming Solution

Scientists are convinced that human actions are causing global warming. If this is so, it stands to reason that our own actions can also help reduce this threat.

Because US emissions of heat-trapping gases are so high, Americans have a special responsibility and opportunity to work to reduce the threat of global warming. You can help by taking personal action, encouraging community action, and influencing US action.

Take Personal Action

You can reduce your personal contribution to global warming and set an example for others by using less gasoline, natural gas, oil, and electricity in your daily life. Your choices about energy and transportation are especially crucial.

  • The next time you buy a car, choose one that is highly fuel efficient. Your choice of vehicle is probably your single most important environmental decision: for every single gallon of gasoline burned, 20 pounds of carbon dioxide go into the atmosphere.
  • Instead of driving alone in your car, join a carpool, take mass transit, walk, or ride a bike -- anything that reduces the amount of gasoline you burn.
  • The next time you buy an appliance, purchase a highly efficient model. You can tell by looking for the Energy Star, awarded by the Environmental Protection Agency.
  • Ask your local electric or gas utility to perform an energy audit of your house or apartment. Then put the recommendations into practice.
  • Develop a plan to reduce daily electricity use around your home. Ask each member of your household to take responsibility for a different electricity-saving action.

The Green House Effect

The greenhouse effect due to global warming

When sunlight reaches Earth's surface some is absorbed and warms the earth and most of the rest is radiated back to the atmosphere at a longer wavelength than the sun light. Some of these longer wavelengths are absorbed by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere before they are lost to space. The absorption of this long wave radiant energy warms the atmosphere. These greenhouse gases act like a mirror and reflect back to the Earth some of the heat energy which would otherwise be lost to space. The reflecting back of heat energy by the atmosphere is called the "greenhouse effect".

The major natural greenhouse gases are water vapor, which causes about 36-70% of the greenhouse effect on Earth (not including clouds); carbon dioxide CO2, which causes 9-26%; methane, which causes 4-9%, and ozone, which causes 3-7%. It is not possible to state that a certain gas causes a certain percentage of the greenhouse effect, because the influences of the various gases are not additive. Other greenhouse gases include, but are not limited to, nitrous oxide, sulfur hexafluoride, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and chlorofluorocarbons.

Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere act like a mirror and reflect back to the Earth a part of the heat radiation, which would otherwise be lost to space. The higher the concentration of green house gases like carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the more heat energy is being reflected back to the Earth. The emission of carbon dioxide into the environment mainly from burning of fossil fuels (oil, gas, petrol, kerosene, etc.) has been increased dramatically over the past 50 years.

Global Warming


Global warming is the observed and projected increases in the average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans.

The Earth's average temperature rose about 0.6° Celsius (1.1° Fahrenheit) in the 20th century.

Cause of global warming

Almost 100% of the observed temperature increase over the last 50 years has been due to the increase in the atmosphere of greenhouse gas concentrations like water vapour, carbon dioxide (CO2), methane and ozone. Greenhouse gases are those gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect (see below). The largest contributing source of greenhouse gas is the burning of fossil fuels leading to the emission of carbon dioxide.

Pisces Woman

February 20- March 20

Pisces woman likes to be in a dream world than to be in reality. Pisces woman is weak and sensitive when it's come to "Love". Pisces woman can cry if her best friend is breaking up, and Pisces woman can be over excited when her friend gets a new boy friend who is a good looking and rich even it is nothing concerned her at all. You might be surprise to see that Pisces woman is shy just because Pisces woman is in love. More or less it will be in Pisces woman. Pisces woman loves small animal and gifted in training animals.

Pisces woman has sixth senses and Pisces woman can guess what will happen next, it's her nature. Even Pisces woman has a good sixth senses, Pisces woman can not pick or foreseen her own choice of lover. Pisces woman can not tell if Pisces woman meet a sincere guy or a one night stand guy.

Pisces woman likes to buy and pick her own cloths. Pisces woman likes to dress cute and be cute. Pisces woman tend to be a good looking woman and Pisces woman has a nice skin. Her hands and feet are small and soft. Pisces woman loves to shop for shoes as if Pisces woman collects them. Pisces woman is a hot lady that everyone wants her. Whether Pisces woman has a man in her life or not , Pisces woman will never try to over powered any man. It's not even in her thought.

Pisces woman thinks man can handle things better, and Pisces woman will make her man feel that way. Pisces woman is an easy going person, so being with her is easy. Pisces woman is a confident woman and likes to make people who stay with her happy. Pisces woman knows how to please and how to comfort a man. If something is wrong, Pisces woman will try to make other people belief that it's must be because of someone else, not because of her love one. Pisces woman will not push her man to be ambition but to make him feel like he should be happy with the way he is now. Pisces woman is happy with you for what you are now.

A Pisces woman , if Pisces woman has a bad childhood, Pisces woman will always remember it and it will make her a very unhappy person. Pisces woman will pity herself and feel sorry for herself. Pisces woman tends to hurt herself with out knowing it and so vulnerable to drugs (real drugs or just sleeping pills). Pisces woman has many choices and you can never tell which path Pisces woman going to take. If you love her , then hold her tight because Pisces woman never knows why Pisces woman did what Pisces woman did or what Pisces woman will do next.

A complex character. You may think Pisces woman is a shy innocent type and can not hurt anyone, then you are wrong. You might think Pisces woman is a fragile person who needs protection, wrong again. Pisces woman has been through a lot, a tough cookie. Pisces woman is a dreamer and love the word "Love", so Pisces woman is the type who will buy gift for anyone for any occasion, especially if it is a gift for wedding or an anniversary even for someone who Pisces woman does not know so well.

Be very careful if fall in love with Pisces woman. Pisces woman can be a total different person before and after. Pisces woman can be an angle before and later a witch, but everyone is not perfect, right? Pisces woman will be soft and gentle most of the time, so not to worry. Pisces woman is emotional and extremely sensitive when Pisces woman frequently got hurt. Pisces woman is the type who can cry her heart out.

Pisces woman can have a secret fear inside, when Pisces woman says Pisces woman does not need anyone. Pisces woman badly needs someone to protect her, but sometimes Pisces woman can hide that feeling by being stubborn. Pisces woman likes to hide her shyness and her weakness from her enemy. Pisces woman does not like to follow any fixed rules. Pisces woman can be a good housewife if you know how to handle her.

Many men will ask to marry her because Pisces woman is a 100% woman. If Pisces woman wants to be sweet, Pisces woman is a real angel.

Pisces Man

February 20- March 20

Pisces Man is very emotional and always allow himself to be very emotional. Pisces Man can have a good night sleep and be in a good mood, and less than few hours at work Pisces Man can be very moody. Pisces Man does not understand things or try to understand things easily. If you notice him carefully, you will notice what kind of moods Pisces Man is in.

Pisces Man is a thinker and able to do well at work and always succeed. His normal gestures mean Pisces Man always look at other people faults, but Pisces Man will not talk about it. Pisces Man has the ability to know your thought and able to tell you what you are thinking about.

Pisces Man can mostly memorize all his anger, his loves. They are his important secrets and Pisces Man will keep them to himself and will never let you know. Pisces Man is not a very ambition man and careless about his position in society. Wealth does not drawn his attention, because Pisces Man is not greedy man and as well Pisces Man thinks money is not something that will last. Pisces Man could be very careless about his future. Pisces Man does not like to fight against all odds, but instead following the stream and make life easier. Sometimes because Pisces Man likes to take an easy path, which cause him very unsteady future.

Pisces Man is kind and slightly lazy, but it is his cute character. Pisces Man hates rules and regulations. Pisces Man will never look down on people. Pisces Man is a polite guy and can be very aggressive when Pisces Man is mad. Pisces Man loves to think that Pisces Man lives in a beautiful world and surround by nice people, so if Pisces Man finds his world is cruel and not what Pisces Man expects, Pisces Man will live in his world instead.

His other charm is that Pisces Man is a funny guy, and it is his real weapon. Pisces Man can tease you and yet make it looks like one of his joke. Even when Pisces Man is sad, Pisces Man still has that funny face, so you could hardly tell if Pisces Man is mad or depress. Pisces Man likes to hide his feeling and help other people especially those who need friend or lonely.

Pisces Man will be everything that you want and everything you do not want. Pisces Man has a chance to make it as much as a chance to fail. Pisces Man can determine to make it work and can do it well, except Pisces Man tends to lost his energy with other important things, that's how Pisces Man miss many of his good opportunity.

Pisces Man can be happy and content by himself. What Pisces Man think is important is not "Love" ,but firm status and stability. Pisces Man has plenty of love for you.

Pisces Man is a good speaker, as much as Pisces Man is a good listener. When Pisces Man is with you, Pisces Man wants to be happy. Pisces Man understand his partner's emotional. Pisces Man likes to take a long rest and sometimes being alone. If Pisces Man needs to be alone, try not to disturb him.

Pisces Man is a sensitive, quiet , shy and easily hurt. Pisces Man wants to feel worthy. Pisces Man can be mad and noisy, but once Pisces Man calm down, Pisces Man will be that happy person again. Pisces Man is not a jealous or possessive guy, and if Pisces Man feels jealous Pisces Man will hide it. Pisces Man has many friends of both sex, and Pisces Man care about his friends. Pisces Man likes to have lots of friends, so you can not get jealous or else you will loose him. Pisces Man likes beautiful things, so if a pretty woman walk by Pisces Man will look ,so do not get mad at him knowing this fact.

When Pisces Man is lonely or feeling sad, be close to comfort him. Pisces Man does not like to take advice, so if you want him to listen or to follow your advice, you have to act as a good sample for him first. Pisces Man likes a cheery and a smart woman. If you treat him like Pisces Man is your special person, then Pisces Man will be that special person for you. Pisces Man will trust you if Pisces Man is in love, but try not to over doing it and spoil him too much. You have to know yourself worth all the time too.

Aquarius Woman

January 21 - February 19

If you are in love with a woman in this zodiac be prepared to be very happy or be very sorry. Aquarius Woman is a very busy person with her own matters similar to a guy in this zodiac. Aquarius Woman is able to live by herself without any guy in her life, a very strong person indeed.

Not because Aquarius Woman does not have a dream guy, but if Aquarius Woman can not find such person, so what. Because Aquarius Woman thinks Aquarius Woman could do anything that a man can do. Aquarius Woman is a leader , a real confident type.

Aquarius Woman likes to do things by herself, such as serving herself, opening the door herself. Because Aquarius Woman thinks waiting for a helping hand is a waste of time, and Aquarius Woman is not patient enough to wait around for that. If Aquarius Woman starts to ask you out, do not think Aquarius Woman starts to flirt with you, but because Aquarius Woman thinks it is a waste of time to wait for you to be the one who asked.

Aquarius Woman likes a COOL guy who sometime act like he is ignoring her, so he has a chance to show him his own confident. Aquarius Woman like to guess her man's reaction, but at the same time Aquarius Woman likes to has many men wanting her. Aquarius Woman is a daring type who could just do thing differently from other people in her same society. Aquarius Woman dare to fight for what Aquarius Woman thinks belonged to her.

Even Aquarius Woman acts confident Aquarius Woman mostly feel lonely and alone. If Aquarius Woman breaks up with someone , Aquarius Woman won't show any emotion even deep down inside pain and agony. Not for long Aquarius Woman will come back to be the cheery and merry person again, because Aquarius Woman looks at the world positively and has "Faith" in the word "Love".

Aquarius Woman has more men friends than women friends, so do not be a jealous type if you date her. Aquarius Woman could be slightly jealous, but Aquarius Woman hates jealous guy. Aquarius Woman loves "Freedom" so before and after marriage , her freedom has to be the same. Aquarius Woman likes you to trust her, even if Aquarius Woman does not trust you anyhow.

Aquarius Woman likes to be the one who is "Right", so if you argue with her , let her win if it is not a big deal for you in that subject. Aquarius Woman is a straight forward type, so if Aquarius Woman does not love you anymore, Aquarius Woman will just tell you straight to your face. Her love and relationship are always real, so if Aquarius Woman say "It's over" be prepare to leave, Aquarius Woman is not testing you.

Aquarius Woman is not a vulnerable type, so do not have to worry about her, Aquarius Woman will survive by herself. If Aquarius Woman is with you when you get sick, Aquarius Woman will certainly take care and look after you, even look after you mean "small loan". Do not have secret with her, Aquarius Woman hates it and really can piss her badly. When Aquarius Woman is sad , be understanding. When Aquarius Woman is happy, be happy with her, Aquarius Woman likes that.

You will not get bore with this type of girl. Someone who is close to her will know that deep down beneath that confident and cold hearted person, Aquarius Woman is just as fragile as any woman. Aquarius Woman is a fun and talkative person and Aquarius Woman likes to tease you. Do not let Aquarius Woman talk alone, if you do Aquarius Woman will leave.

Aquarius Woman has many type of jobs because Aquarius Woman beliefs what a man can do, I can do. If you want her to work for you, forget it. When Aquarius Woman is in love, Aquarius Woman will just leave her job in the day time just to come to see you, but not for long Aquarius Woman will go back to work seriously again. Prepare to live and love with a "Working Woman" then you will be OK.

If Aquarius Woman mad, find a shelter for the "Hurricane" is here! Her bad temper will last very shortly though. Aquarius Woman is not a revenge type and will not think of "pay Back" time. Most people might think of her as "One of a guy", but in fact Aquarius Woman is a 100% woman. Aquarius Woman is easily hurt, so be nice with her. If Aquarius Woman really loves you, then you are lucky because Aquarius Woman is an honest, truthful and will never bored you. Understand that sometimes Aquarius Woman will be over confident and sometimes like to have power or act bossy.

Aquarius Man

January 21 - February 19

Hot-hearted man who likes to do thing his way. Aquarius Man can suddenly decide to do something without thinking of it's outcome. Aquarius Man is the type of guy with an inside energizer, so if you fall in love with this type of guy be "patient", even if you have to follow him a bit. His creative mind could create fantastic idea any time. If you do not understand or can not follow him, you won't be with him for long.

A man in this Zodiac will less likely to have a pale skin, and if Aquarius Man has a scar, it would be on his face or on his head. Aquarius Man moves very fast and very energetic, and Aquarius Man has a very self confident in himself. Aquarius Man is not the type to sit down and feel sorry or regret anything for long, especially with "Love". Aquarius Man loves justice. Aquarius Man dares to show his opinion or even argue about certain subject even Aquarius Man knows it might bring him problems. A straight forward type of guy.

Aquarius Man hardly lies except if Aquarius Man think it is necessary and Aquarius Man is not a good liar anyway. Aquarius Man will not lie to you about serious matter, but if Aquarius Man lie Aquarius Man will lie only a small little thing. Aquarius Man is gifted with the ability to be a very social person. Aquarius Man could talk even about subject that Aquarius Man has no knowledge of. Aquarius Man interests only at the present time and look at the world positively. Many times Aquarius Man feels hurt because of reality, but Aquarius Man will not run away and Aquarius Man will overcome that difficulty.

Even Aquarius Man is a high and self confident type and center his own thought as a main focus, but at the same time Aquarius Man is a kind, cute and polite guy. Aquarius Man certainly is not a mean person. Aquarius Man likes to help people who are in troubles even Aquarius Man is not asked to. Aquarius Man is the type who feels sorry if you remember bad things Aquarius Man said to you that Aquarius Man had already forgotten, but you did not. Belief him that Aquarius Man is very sorry and give him another chance.

Once Aquarius Man decides to do something, Aquarius Man will put all his mind and energy in it either in his "Work", or "Love". Aquarius Man is the type who gamble anything in the casino, so do not even take him there. Aquarius Man does not like pessimistic, low energy, and depress person, especially no brain. Strangely Aquarius Man like to overpowered this type of people to assure that Aquarius Man is more superior.

Aquarius Man like to be the first person to do something. You can see sparkling in his eyes, once Aquarius Man meet a new target or new lover. Once Aquarius Man is in love, Aquarius Man will be sincere and true till his last breath. This minute Aquarius Man could be real sugar sweet, and later Aquarius Man could also be an icy cold, but do not blame him for that will only chase him away. Aquarius Man could really love someone, but not a heart broken type for Aquarius Man thinks love is "excitement" and "Love goes on".

If you date this kind of guy, do not or avoid showing your face to him with face pack, face mask, always be presentable, nice and cute. If Aquarius Man is quiet not because Aquarius Man is shy, but Aquarius Man is only quietly thinking. If you have a chance to ask his X-girlfriend, she will tell you that Aquarius Man is not a shy or quiet type. If Aquarius Man is really and truly in love with you, Aquarius Man will never lie to you at all. How do you know if Aquarius Man loves you, bet on your faith! Love him and treat him steadily and do not try to find anything to argue with him, Aquarius Man will be with you for sure.

If you are his lover or girlfriend and need to tell him something, go and say it out loud and straight forward because Aquarius Man hate long boring story. Aquarius Man hate to play games, chasing for love or being chased, so let him call you first. Aquarius Man likes a confident woman who also a good follower. If Aquarius Man gets mad at you, let him be for only a short time Aquarius Man will be normal again. You have to like and be able to get along with his friends, but Aquarius Man does not have to do so with all your friends.

Don't ever think you could make him jealous by flirting with other man, Aquarius Man will just leave instead of making a scene because Aquarius Man is a confident man and has to be the first in everything.

Capricorn Woman

December 23 - January 20

A tall slim, cool and quiet woman. Once Capricorn woman is mad Capricorn woman can be very fierce. Capricorn woman can work better than some men and Capricorn woman is very high confident woman. In her opinion, woman is not just a flower or decoration at home or at an office and certainly not a weak sex who needs protection.

Capricorn woman likes to control and hide her weak emotions. Capricorn woman will never try to change anyone, but Capricorn woman will learn to accept them as they are. If Capricorn woman does not like someone, Capricorn woman will not comments or criticize but Capricorn woman will completely ignore that person.

Capricorn woman hate plastic and an artificial flower because it make her feel that you are not being sincere. Capricorn woman loves real flower and it's scent. Capricorn woman loves a guy who wear after shave cologne. If you are a type of a guy who wear your Jean one month before washing, or wear an old sneaker, then you can forget about her.

Capricorn woman loves music and nature even there is a rare case otherwise. Capricorn woman loves to go picnic in nature, so if you don't have so much time for her, you can take her fishing too.

Capricorn woman is not as jealous as Aquarius or Leo woman, but do not cross the line O.K. Better not to see Capricorn woman gets mad, especially in front of public when Capricorn woman feels like loosing face. Capricorn woman loves to make up and dress perfectly and very neat, so never rush her for this matter.

Capricorn woman has her own goal in life and does not care if you have a doctorate degree or not, if Capricorn woman thinks you are not bright then Capricorn woman will not care about you at all. Capricorn woman likes smart people by character not by certificate shown. If you can not show her this quality, go and take a bus and go to the next stop.

Capricorn woman does not like a dreamer who talk about his dream but never put his hands in action to make it happens. Don't bother to tell her "everyone is doing it, you should do it too", or "I think you should do it, it's good for you", because Capricorn woman will do what Capricorn woman wants to do only.

Capricorn woman is a neat and tidy person, so if your apartment is a pigsty , do not take her there. If you go out on a date with her , try to be presentable such as nice and clean dress, clean nails or else it will be your last date.

Capricorn woman is a cool type and will not nag, so easy on your ears. Capricorn woman is a slow but sure type. Capricorn woman will always respect and honor you and will never try to make you loose your face. If Capricorn woman loves you, Capricorn woman will help you in anything you do.

Capricorn woman likes to help people and expect nothing in return. If Capricorn woman asks you for a favor and does not get one, Capricorn woman will feel very disappoint. Capricorn woman has a high hope and a high faith and beliefs in her own confident than believing in "Luck".

If Capricorn woman is your wife, you will have nice and clean home and a gourmet cooking. If your parents visit your house, they will be please. Capricorn woman is a 3 in 1 means , a perfect mother, a perfect housewife, a perfect wife or you could say "happily ever after".

Capricorn Man

December 23 - January 20

A man in this Zodiac will has a pair of round big beautiful eyes, a nice structure jaw line. Capricorn Man is a good listener and can understand everything easily and clearly. Capricorn Man can guess what you will say before you even say it. Capricorn Man often shakes his head or touch his hair. Capricorn Man is a big built, but Capricorn Man will tend to have a small ear. Capricorn Man tends to have a darker shade of hair and eyes' color. Capricorn Man will likely have a short and strong neck, broad shoulder, muscular, strong hands and grips. Capricorn Man has a shorter fingers compare to the man of the same size and same height in the other zodiac. His hands can work well at the same time can protect and care for his woman.

His height will be proportional to his weight. Capricorn Man will walk firmly and always take a big long step. As Capricorn Man walks Capricorn Man will look around in caution with no disturbance from his problems at present or in the past. Capricorn Man likes to watch things built with fascinate and wonder about how it is done, so you could see him watching a construction site and not get bored.

Capricorn Man is a good dancer. Capricorn Man is a careful person in instinct, so even at dance floor, Capricorn Man will already have to know what in front or behind him before Capricorn Man will take any steps.

Green is his favorite color. You will mostly see him wear green, navy, blue, or brown. In all 12 Zodiacs, Capricorn Man is the one who can get the most satisfaction from possession of beautiful thing, and cherish it as if it is very valuable to him even it is just a crystal ball made in France.

It is his luck that Capricorn Man hardly has to chase after woman. They always come themselves without his invitation. Capricorn Man likes to treat his guest in his house than visiting his guest at their house. Capricorn Man does not like to be a center of attention, so if you need his help, you have to look up for him. Capricorn Man lives his life in stability and simplicity. Every decision made are already "Sure" and carefully thought out. Capricorn Man will not do what Capricorn Man has been asked to do if Capricorn Man is not interested in doing it. Capricorn Man acts casually but in reality, Capricorn Man always doing things seriously.

Capricorn Man loves peaceful and quiet environment so in his free time, Capricorn Man will stay at home instead of going out and look for adventure. Capricorn Man loves nature and dreams of a nice and quiet house with lots of trees, or Capricorn Man may dream of a house in a beautiful countryside.

Capricorn Man will let you have freedoms and watching you in a distance. If you are over doing something, Capricorn Man will let you know by his icy cold look. Capricorn Man is the perfect lover in all the Zodiac for nothing Capricorn Man will not do for his love one. Capricorn Man won't allow people to laugh at him or think Capricorn Man is a joker, so Capricorn Man will spent for himself luxury for what it is worth.

Capricorn Man likes neat and well dressed woman, so do not be a slop if you are dating this guy. If you do that Capricorn Man will loose his face. Capricorn Man is the romantic type who would dance with you under the moon light.

Love will make him shines and you will see it in his face. Capricorn Man will not say it out loud, you have to know it yourself

Sagittarius Woman

November 23 - December 22

Sagittarius is the real adventurer of the zodiac and this girl is forever highly charged with creative fire, ever keen for excitement and the opportunities in order to widen her horizons.

The Sagittarius woman is an enterprising and resourceful individual who is constantly searching in order to fulfil her dreams.

This girl loves travel and will have a difficult time standing still. She can be characterized as one who seeks a goal, reaches that goal and then, is off to seek another goal in life.

Sagittarius is referred to the “philosopher of the heavens” and, in keeping, the Sagittarius is always very keen to expand her knowledge and can often be a perpetual student.Perhaps the biggest problem in her life is the need to balance what is real with the ideal, and to endeavour to accept the current state of her life’s responsibilities in order that she may build a solid future.

The Sagittarius woman’s basic interest is to learn and, in turn to teach what she knows to others. Problems can arise however because the Sagittarius girl can at times believe that she has mastered a skill before she has really done so. This can result in adverse situations through trying to teach on a subject of which she has insufficient knowledge.

The Sagittarius woman can be quite the visionary and is farsighted in her own way, however, she often tends to lack the patience to perfect herself in the practical world. Sagittarius is the luckiest sign in the zodiac, and the Sagittarius girl will not only manage to survive but will more than likely prosper.

Ruled by the fun-loving and expansive Jupiter, Sagittarius is not known for her ability to stay within the confines of a budget.

Not one to care about such details as a price tag or a credit limit, Sagittarius will often spend beyond her means. This can lead to frequent financial difficulties, as her optimistic nature tells her that tomorrow will take care of today.

Sagittarius likes to play games and is attracted to speculation and gambling, sometimes doing quite well at it. Her financial highs can just as easily become economic lows.

Sagittarius Man

November 23 - December 22

A man who loves social life and curious about every new progress, new development to make sure Sagittarius Man is in the era and always have all up date information. Sagittarius Man likes to know what is the latest trend of fashion and make sure Sagittarius Man is not out of style. You can easily spot him at the grand opening of new pub, new restaurant for Sagittarius Man loves to participate in social activity.

There is a few Sagittarius who is a private person as well, but you could see that Sagittarius Man will be ahead of his friends. Sagittarius Man will knows what is the best seller book, what are the top 10 hot hit of the week. The hottest movies showing now, Sagittarius Man must have already seen it.

Sagittarius Man hates routine, It makes him bored. Sagittarius Man likes to get to his goals and succeeding in doing so is his true reward. Money making is O.K. but it is not his true joy, for Sagittarius Man can easily spent them in a short while. They say if you want the truth, go and ask Sagittarius. They are right, you can ask him and Sagittarius Man will tell you all the truth and very straight forward. Even Sagittarius Man may speak bluntly, his friends loves him. If you have problems, all your friends may feel sorry for you, but Sagittarius will be the one who will give you a helping hand first and even expect no return favor. That's why Sagittarius Man is a real charmer even sometimes big mouth.

When Sagittarius Man is mad , Sagittarius Man can be quite fierce but quickly dissolve and easily forgotten. Sagittarius Man is not a person who will take a revenge, so if Sagittarius Man say Sagittarius Man going to burn down your house, you can relax. Sagittarius Man likes compliments and sweet words, so you can manipulate him easily. If Sagittarius Man knows you are not sincere, you will totally become meaningless to him.

Some Sagittarius are gifted musician, or singer. Sagittarius Man is a happy soul, has a good humor and has lots of jokes. Sagittarius Man loves freedom, lively and very energetic. If Sagittarius Man is working, Sagittarius Man will take his job seriously. Sagittarius Man likes to travel, likes to see new exciting places. Going out or traveling make him happy.

Sagittarius man is like a free bird. Sagittarius Man lives as if everyday is Sunday. Sagittarius Man will hardly be in a bad mood, but if Sagittarius Man is in a bad mood, you will better leave his sight. If you want to talk to him in such mood, try to avoid issue of commenting his life. Sagittarius Man flirts like other man, but Sagittarius Man has a built in brake, so Sagittarius Man will come back to you by himself. If Sagittarius Man disappear for a few days, not to worry for Sagittarius Man is only recharging his battery to be that same lively person again, them Sagittarius Man will be back.

Sagittarius Man has allergies to Pretty woman, so in love with many woman for him would be normal. Setting dating schedule is his games and it's fun for him, and this will keep him from being bored. Sagittarius Man hates obligations, so the word "marriage" would suffocated him. If you allow him to have freedom, Sagittarius Man will not go anywhere.

Sagittarius Man falls in love as easy as Sagittarius Man catches cold, especially if she is cute, funny and she has a strong personality. No one can tell how long Sagittarius Man will be in love.

Scorpio Woman

October 24 - November 22

A simple woman who always show what kind of a moods Scorpio Woman is in. You can tell right way if Scorpio Woman up set, or if Scorpio Woman is flirting with you. Scorpio Woman displays herself with her act much more than trying to say it for it's in her character.

A Scorpio woman has her own mysterious personality. Scorpio Woman is confident and deep down inside Scorpio Woman is quite proud of herself. Scorpio Woman hates to think Scorpio Woman is borne a woman and so limiting her with a certain social acceptable rules. Scorpio Woman is a real woman and despite her innocent and childish looks, Scorpio Woman has a spirit of free soul. Many men will make mistake if they think Scorpio Woman is a good follower, they are wrong.

Scorpio Woman thinks being a plain simple housewife is boring. Scorpio Woman likes to have power and control over other people, but this will be only her secret, so you will only see a cute woman. Every things Scorpio Woman does will look good, and Scorpio Woman has all the woman's trick you can think of. Scorpio Woman can manipulate men without they knowing it.

If you think Scorpio Woman going to do everything you say because Scorpio Woman loves you, then you will be disappointed. Scorpio Woman could be a little tomboyish and Scorpio Woman can understand you by just looking in your eyes. You may say sweet words which could sweep any woman, but not with the Scorpio woman. Scorpio Woman will use her X-ray eyes reading your thought of what you just said or what you are going to say. Scorpio Woman always smile and Scorpio Woman can really hide her feeling.

Scorpio Woman will constantly show you that Scorpio Woman loves freedom. If Scorpio Woman has freedom, Scorpio Woman will not leave you, but will even love you more. If Scorpio Woman wants something, Scorpio Woman will do everything to get it. Scorpio Woman has her own sixth sense of people and you can feel that energy feed back when you around her. Scorpio Woman likes a man who can earn her respect, and Scorpio Woman will also respect and feel proud of that man. A man with power over her should not threat or challenge her confident. Scorpio Woman likes to have a good looking , strong and healthy man especially if Scorpio Woman start to compare with her friends' boyfriends. It is a plus if he hold a degree or a good career.

Scorpio Woman is a hot lady. Scorpio Woman likes heavy music. Scorpio Woman either loves or hates, there are no "fond of", or "like" for her. Love has no "may be", or "perhaps". If Scorpio Woman is real mad, Scorpio Woman will trash and throw things. Her wind storm can sweep all her dishes and you could get accidentally hit on your head for this matter. Be calm, it is just your grand mother favorite china for Scorpio Woman has good quality as much as her bad tempered.

Sometimes Scorpio Woman shows her weakness, but it won't be long. Scorpio Woman will put herself together and back to be that hot chili again. If Scorpio Woman loves you, it will be no matter what other people may say. Her relationship will be more important than what is right or wrong. Because of this reason, you may know some Scorpio woman become a second wife, a mistress.

Scorpio Woman is spoil, but Scorpio Woman allows her love one to over power her. Dating this woman, you should not keep old love letters in your pocket or in your house. It could be a love letter 2 years ago, but never mind Scorpio Woman will argue about this since this is a big deal for a suspicious woman. Remember Scorpio Woman has a temper of the shrew.

If you play a cold war with her, Scorpio Woman will treat you likewise and double it. If you stood her up once, Scorpio Woman will stood you up 2-3 times. Scorpio Woman is quite fair in justice, so Scorpio Woman can accept your apologies as much as Scorpio Woman can pretend to accept things for now and wait for a pay back revenge in the future. If you are nice to hear, Scorpio Woman will double that to you as well. A real fair woman.

Scorpio Woman likes to make and spent money. Scorpio Woman likes to have fame and reputations, and never let herself broke and have no name at the same time. Scorpio Woman is too proud and will not accept status of being "Poor". Scorpio Woman loves to have face, so if you are a manager with small salary, Scorpio Woman will be proud more than more money being a truck driver. Scorpio Woman hates to think and Scorpio Woman can not stand a feeling of being a "Nobody".

If you like her, play a little hard to get. This will excite her a bit. When you go out on a date, set your schedule, but do not let Scorpio Woman knows that you have planned this for weeks. Always go to pick her up on time or better to go 5-10 minutes early.

Scorpio Man

October 24 - November 22

A man with a foggy clouds over him. He is sensitive and easily hurt and always feels lonely. He does not trust anyone but himself. Sounding so negative, but he has an amazingly charisma. He is a compassionate man . He absorbs other people sentimental feeling and pain.

He is a good psychiatrist and he could understand complex and confused feeling. He has a hidden power that he could use it to make things happen and do things well. He does not like people who never try to help themselves before asking other people for favors. He is the type of guy who mostly achieved his goal in life. Once he sets his mind for something, he will put all his energy and efforts in it , whether or not it is a small matter or a big project. One of the most success man in all the Zodiac.

He is a very patient man and can waits for years to reach his goal. He hates thin feeling and weak determinations. He can not retreat or rest for long, for he thinks life has more questions and more answer to be searched.

If he is in love, you will get plenty of love from him, sometimes may be too much than you have asked for. He is serious about love and relationship and will not waste time with someone he does not love whether how pretty she is.

He hardly makes mistake. He could tell if you have any bad thought, and will not hesitate to tell you so. If you do not like straight forward sincere man, then pack your bag now. If you are an over sensitive person, try not to ask for his comments. He will tell you the truth, even you might not be able to take it. Example , if you ask him if you are fat (and you are fat), he will say "yes, as big as a balloon". He makes such comments because he cares for you, so do something about your weight and do not get up set with him.

If he says "you look pretty today", you can be proud because he will not say such think just to please you if he does not really mean it. There will be both kind of people, those who like him and those who hate him. If you are in love this guy, be strong and belief in your decision, do not be vulnerable. He remembers all his anger and will wait for his pay back time.

He is very serious about your promise, do not promise something you could not keep. He loves his friends and will do anything for his close friends. He likes you to take care of him, but not in front of his friend. He is a complex man and you will never understand what he means if you do not really know him. He is happy to know he is a complex figure. When he is thinking or when he needs his privacy, you should give him some space.

He memorize everything well. You may say something that you already forgotten, but he will remember every words. He wants to be respected and admired and at the same time he does not like people to have power over him.

When he falls in love, he really falls deep. A man in this Zodiac once in love, he will be sweeter than sugar. He does not like a plain and simple woman. A complex woman's mind is his venture. Always be interesting and able to talk to him about every things in any subjects. He does not like a woman who sits around waiting for his call.