Quantitative methods

  • Fundamental concepts of measurement

  1. Scales of measurement

  2. Distribution, central tendency, variability, probability

  3. Disease prevalence and incidence

  4. Disease outcomes (eg, fatality rates)

  5. associations (eg, correlation and covariance)

  6. Health impact (eg, risk differences and ratios)

  7. Sensitivity, specificity, predictive values

  • Fundamental concepts of study design

  1. Types of experimental studies (eg, clinical trials, community intervention trials)

  2. Types of observational studies (eg, cohort, case-control, cross-sectional, case series, community surveys)

  3. Sampling and sample size

  4. Subject selection and exposure allocation (eg,randomization ,stratification ,self selection , systematic assignment)

  5. Outcome assessment

  6. Internal and external validity

  • Fundamental concepts of hypothesis testing and statistical inference

  1. Confidence intervals

  2. Statistical significance and Type I error

  3. Statistical power and Type II error

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