Fengshui Tips for Fame

Those who wish to get fame should follow simple feng shui tips. Famous people need to have a powerful and favourable image to be successful. They have to work well with other people, be great leaders, also good listeners. But famous people are put through the ringer every day with lawsuits and scandals. So they need to use feng shui tips to maintain what they have achieved. The first Feng Shui tip for fame is finding your Kua number, along with your best directions. To be successful, your mind has to be clear and your body rested. For this to happen, you need to start sleeping with your head pointed at the Sheng Gi direction. The second Feng Shui tip for fame is that many times, a career will depend on a solid reputation and notoriety. By renovating your home so the main door faces the Sheng Chi direction, you will be shown favor.

Next, if you have a front door that opens up to imposing or large buildings across the street, or opens to the edge of a large building, you want to soften this effect (SharQi), which can be done by hanging out a Pa Kua. Now, the next Feng Shui tip for fame is that the south section of your home represents and governs both fame and recognition. The colour for this direction is red and the element fire. Options would be to have a fireplace in the south section, have that section painted bright red, or hang red draperies. Then, you should keep candle burning for the element of fire.

Keep in mind that wood produces fire. Therefore, the fire element can be energized with wood. As an example, you could add wood furniture to the south section of the home or even hanging a mural or painting of a forest. Just be sure you never add water to the south or it will drown out the fire. By following these Feng Shut tips for fame, you will begin to see new opportunities open up in your life. Sometimes, these are for your career and sometimes, for other reasons. Regardless, the results are positive.

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