Cat Scientific Information
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Felidae
Genus: Felis
Species: F. Silvestris
Subspecies: F. s. catus
Cat Character
Cats can be described as loving, playful, highly intelligent and extremely observant. Cats learn quickly and can be very curious about new or exciting things around the home. When provided with lots of love and good care, cats can become loyal companions throughout their life.
While lovable and playful, cats can at times be described as moody, schizophrenic, and even downright strange. It is important to remember that cats like to spend a lot of time on their own. Although they can form strong social bonds with their pet owner and other cats, they can be completely happy on their own. Because cats come from a species that is largely solitary and highly territorial they prefer to have their own space and territory. Cats, from time to time, will scratch, spray urine or rub their fur on things to mark their territory. Pet owners will notice that cats will become more active in “marking their territory” when the cat feels insecure or threatened in its living space – this type of behavior will be especially noticeable when other cats come around.
Cats like to nap throughout the day causing pet owners to think that cats are inherently lazy. In reality, cats rest during the time when the pet owners are awake and are more active when the pet owners are resting. Cats are active during their hunting time – evenings and mornings – when their prey (probably rodents) are most active. Because of this late to bed and early to rise schedule, cat’s prefer to sleep during the day.
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