Sagittarius Woman

November 23 - December 22

Sagittarius is the real adventurer of the zodiac and this girl is forever highly charged with creative fire, ever keen for excitement and the opportunities in order to widen her horizons.

The Sagittarius woman is an enterprising and resourceful individual who is constantly searching in order to fulfil her dreams.

This girl loves travel and will have a difficult time standing still. She can be characterized as one who seeks a goal, reaches that goal and then, is off to seek another goal in life.

Sagittarius is referred to the “philosopher of the heavens” and, in keeping, the Sagittarius is always very keen to expand her knowledge and can often be a perpetual student.Perhaps the biggest problem in her life is the need to balance what is real with the ideal, and to endeavour to accept the current state of her life’s responsibilities in order that she may build a solid future.

The Sagittarius woman’s basic interest is to learn and, in turn to teach what she knows to others. Problems can arise however because the Sagittarius girl can at times believe that she has mastered a skill before she has really done so. This can result in adverse situations through trying to teach on a subject of which she has insufficient knowledge.

The Sagittarius woman can be quite the visionary and is farsighted in her own way, however, she often tends to lack the patience to perfect herself in the practical world. Sagittarius is the luckiest sign in the zodiac, and the Sagittarius girl will not only manage to survive but will more than likely prosper.

Ruled by the fun-loving and expansive Jupiter, Sagittarius is not known for her ability to stay within the confines of a budget.

Not one to care about such details as a price tag or a credit limit, Sagittarius will often spend beyond her means. This can lead to frequent financial difficulties, as her optimistic nature tells her that tomorrow will take care of today.

Sagittarius likes to play games and is attracted to speculation and gambling, sometimes doing quite well at it. Her financial highs can just as easily become economic lows.

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